Vaginal discharge is a common problem among women. Vaginal discharge is an important function of female reproductive system. Fluid generated by female private part and cervix glands carries along dead cells and bacteria and in the process keeps the private part clean and helps in preventing infections.
Normal physiological vaginal discharge is a white or clear, non-odorless discharges that can vary over the time. It is thick and sticky during menstrual cycle but becomes clear, wet and stretchy for a short period during the time of ovulation. It is heavier and more noticeable during pregnancy with contraceptive use and with sexual stimulation. Its volume decreases during menopause due to fall in estrogen levels.
Abnormal vaginal discharge is characterized by change in color, consistency, volume, and/or odor and may be associated with symptoms such as itching, soreness, dysuria, pelvic pain, or inter-menstrual or post coital bleeding.
Causes of Abnormal discharge
Any imbalance of normal bacteria in private part can affect the smell, color or discharge texture. Abnormal discharge is most commonly caused by infections like bacterial vaginosis and candidiasis; however there can be non-infective causes as well.
There can be physiological and pathological causes of vaginal discharge.
Past history and examination of the patient is carried out before deciding whether investigations and treatment are required. Few features of vaginal discharge are its onset, duration, menstrual cycle timing, odor, color, consistency and any aggravating factors. Associated symptoms which include itching, discomfort, pain, dysuria, dyspareunia and irregular bleeding are examined. Even the gynecological history is also examined including parity, smear history, intimacy history and current contraception.
Examination consists of inspection, bimanual examination and obtaining appropriate vaginal swabs. Inspection includes a general external inspection of the vulva and perineal region followed by inspection of the private part and cervix with the help of speculum. Bimanual examination gives idea about the position, size and mobility of the uterus as well as presence of adnexal masses. Vaginal swab helps in diagnosis of pathogens that are responsible for abnormal discharge.
You should consult the doctor, especially if a discharge is due to some time changes. Following are the few characteristic signs that indicate an infective cause of vaginal discharge and may need a medical advice.
Investigations and Treatment